- Deliveries are normally made within 2-3 working days . We use nationally renowned couriers for delivery. If you have mentioned a specific delivery date which is less than the normal delivery time, we will try our best to deliver the same but cannot guarantee the delivery. We do not deliver to villages and we dont accept orders without pincode and towns which are not serviceable by couriers.
- All prices are in Indian Rupees. CCNow is our authorised online retailer. They accept Visa, Master and Discover credit cards. www.floristinjaipur.com is not responsible for any kind of mishandling of credit card information given to CCNOW, the authorized online retailer, for the order placed.
- In case no one is available to take delivery of the gift, we shall make a reattempt for delivery, if than too the gift is undeliverable, no refund shall be made.
- In case of the date of delivery being a national holiday, the delivery will be made a day before the advised date.
- The gifts delivered to the recipient will be generally as per the description of the article and as per the picture chosen by the customer. There may be variations in appearance and colors especially in the perishable goods like flowers, cakes and chocolates and Sweets.
- Delivery will be presumed to be made if any person at the specified address accepts the item on behalf of the receiver. No Claim for Non Acceptance of the Gift Items shall be entertained.
- We grant 100% money back guarantee for all items if there is any complaint with regard to products and services except high value items.
- We encourage you to give us the telephone number of the recipient. This will help us to verify the address in case it is found to be incomplete
- Checkout procedure
Next to each product, an add to cart button has been provided. Click on this button to purchase that product and add it to your shopping cart. You can continue shopping and adding more products to your shopping cart. To complete the shopping, click on Checkout button. You can now view all the items you have selected for purchase. You have the option to delete any item or to increase the quantity for any item. The total amount shown here is the amount that will be charged to your credit card.At the time of checkout, please observe the following instructions while filling the shipping details form: - In the shipping to field, please choose the all other countries option - In the shipping address field, please enter the address of the recipient - In the special instructions field, please enter the date on which you want the gift to be delivered
- Sending a message with your gift
After checking out, you will be able to view a form. Under special Instructions you can type a message that will be sent to the recipient of the gift.
- www.floristinjaipur.com shall try level best to deliver the goods at the specified date. However, if delivery does not take place at the specified date (which is highly unlikely) due to some unavoidable circumstances, we shall deliver the item at the earliest and in this case, no refund will be asked for.
- www.floristinjaipur.com does not, in any way claim ownership or right over the trademark, Brand and Company name used at this web site, which are owned by their respected owner/Companies.Referance to these products and company trademarks are used solely for the purpose of identifying the product supplied at this web site.
- www.floristinjaipur.com will deliver the same exactly the same gifts displayed on its web site and from the same sources as indicated. However in certain unavoidable circumstances arising due to non availability of product from the indicted sources, it reserve the right to change the source and deliver approximately similar kind of product.